Last year, using playmaker was just “OP” (overpowered) you were able to control multiple receivers while in the pocket. Some good changes to the game are the fact that the “Playmaker” function has been toned down to a reasonable rate.
Second off, the fact that elite receivers are dropping wide open passes is just ridiculous, this percentage is way too high and most likely will be fixed. I will say, it’s extremely hard to beat an opponent that knows what you are doing. The Run and Pass glitch is pretty much where you are playing an opponent that knows exactly what play you are running therefor he is able to defend it. First off, there’s a new glitch known as the run and pass glitch.
The Madden franchise is back again, just like every other year, and with a new year means new bugs.
The “wide open” elite receiver dropped passes percentage is PROS -Zone plays better than Madden 16 -Playmaker has been toned down CONS -The “wide open” elite receiver dropped passes percentage is just way too high. PROS -Zone plays better than Madden 16 -Playmaker has been toned down