Most commonly, this will be something like a dispute over a title or claim to land. There are a number of reasons that players can pick from, but they need a valid one before they can start a conflict. RELATED: Crusader Kings 3 Review Roundup: One of 2020's Top Rated Games So Farįirst, players will need a reason to go to war, or 'C asus Belli' as the game puts it. To do so, players simply need to find the opposing leader they wish to declare war on – typically by navigating to one of their cities – right-click them, and hit 'declare war.' Doing so will kick off a conflict with the now-enemy faction, but there are a few extra things players will need to keep in mind before they should start a conflict. The act of declaring war, in itself, is fairly straight forward. That makes declaring war an important part of the game, but much like other elements in the Crusader Kings franchise, there's more to it than some people realize. Of course, while playing, players are likely going to run into conflict, especially those looking to expand their kingdoms into new territory.
Crusader Kings 3 is out now, packing numerous improvements over the prior game in terms of ease of navigation and moving around menus.